Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014

  How has this happened? My little boy is going to be three in two days! The last few days have really had me thinking about the past three years and how much has changed for our family. In three years we have moved six times, been through a few jobs, and added an addition. Donovan has grown into such an independent, smart, and sweet little boy. Don't get me wrong, he has his moments of the infamous "terrible twos" (or many "terrible threes" soon?) but those moments and milestones he has reached and continues to reach has made me feel very blessed to be his mother. Not to mention, the love and attention he pays to his little brother makes my heart burst. He's the first to tell me when Cooper is upset and will run over and say "it's okay, Cooper. it's okay!" or randomly walk up to him and rub his head and say "brother so tute!" (yes, "tute" is "cute" in our house!). All of these moments make me wonder where the past three years went!
  Cooper is now 4 months old...what??? Seems like yesterday we were at the hospital waiting for him to make his debut. Now he wakes me up every morning with a big grin and lots of giggles! He's always so happy to see his Grandma Ihrke and loves to fall asleep on her shoulder. She often says that it does her heart good to receive his smiles and I know it does my heart good as well. I have found myself often thanking God for the amazing people in my life and thanking Him for his abundance of blessings.
  On a different note, I made the bread and it turned out AH-MAZ-ING! :) It tastes just like my Grandma Huisman's bread but the loaves turned out a bit funky! Obviously the loaf malformation didn't deter my husband or my son from eating it as I made 6 loaves on Sunday and we are down to 2! okay, okay, I am guilty of scarfing down a few slices ;) As for the apron, turned out looking like a 5 year old sewed it but it's functional. I got a bit more ambitious and began a Minnie Mouse dress-up apron for my best friend's 2 year old daughter. I have to admit, this one is looking MUCH better! Maybe because it's for someone else??? Maybe I'll post some pictures when I'm done with it. I've been using Donovan as a model and he's not too amused. haha. On top of all my craft projects, school, and taking care of babies, I have been searching for employment. Not much here in the way of jobs but I have been able to find a few that can translate to my military experience. I feel as though I am at a crossroads though when it comes to careers. I know what field I want to pursue and yet our goal of becoming debt free is holding me back. Maybe when the boys start school we'll have the means for me to pursue further education. In the meantime, I'm going to live for the moment, plan on the future, and not hold my breath!


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014

  This last week has been fairly uneventful except for the foot and a half of snow we received over a course of about three days. Karl and I brought Donovan outside a couple times to "play" but it's kind of hard to play when the snow is up to your waist (for him, anyway). But he had a good time. He was pretty upset when it was time to come in. Ah, to be a kid again! It seems no everyone is as thrilled with the snowfall as Donovan and I because the news has been nonstop coverage of wrecks and slide-outs in and around the Portland area. Makes me glad we don't live near the city, although we live RIGHT on a major Highway. We ventured into town last night (The Dalles) and had our own little winter experience! After dinner with the in-laws and grocery shopping, Karl and I (and the boys) were headed back home when we spun out. We were getting on the freeway when we hit a patch of ice and spun 180 degrees only to stop facing oncoming traffic and about 3 inches from the center divide on the passenger side. Thank God there was not heavy traffic. We managed to get going safely but Karl and I were a bit shaken. I'm pretty sure I heard Donovan say "Wheee!" in the backseat and Cooper was snoring away. I can laugh about it now because he probably thought Daddy was doing something "crazy" for fun. Needless to say, I won't be going into town again until this snow and ice melts away! :)
  But with all this snow comes feelings of nostalgia. I recently got my Grandmother recipe for her homemade bread that everyone in the family is obsessed with. I was in the baking mood already so I made my first batch of gluten-free molasses cookies. The gluten-free was not intentional but I was out of all purpose flour and used my mother-in-law's gluten-free flour instead. They turned out fine, but they were a bit flatter and definitely had a different aftertaste. I think from now on if I don't have the regular flour, I'll just wait...haha. I am going to make my first attempt at my Grandmother's bread today. It should be interesting as I have never made bread before. And I don't plan on using a bread maker. THAT would be cheating! Another "first" I'm going to attempt today (after my breadmaking, of course) is making an apron. I have a sewing machine that my mom gave to me a long time ago and now it's time to learn how to use it. I am a cross-stitcher to the bone but have always been interested in doing other sewing...or REAL sewing. :)  Plus when my mom made all the grandkids quilts for Christmas two years ago, it made me want to learn to do the same. Currently she's in the process of playing catch-up with two more quilts for her most recent grandkids. Hopefully there will be a lull in the family additions long enough to let her catch up! haha.
  Well, another week as flown by and here we are in Day 3 of this week already. I feel like these days are passing much too quickly! Every day my boys are doing (and saying, in Donovan's case) new things. Donovan's imagination has taken off! Currently he is pretending to be a puppy, thanks to a recent trip to see his cousin Grace. The barking and yapping is getting to be a bit much...! So I should end this so I can distract "puppy" and see if we can start a new activity!


Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

     So we're back to the daily grind. The boys and I were in California for a couple weeks to help my mom watch my oldest sister's kids while she and her husband vacationed in Hawaii. It was a nice visit, Donovan was VERY happy to be playing with his cousins for longer than a day or two. Karl flew into Sacramento Airport on Saturday morning to drive back up with us because the Yukon's transmission had been acting up while we were in Cali and I was MORE than a little nervous driving back home by myself. And I'm glad he did fly down! It was nice to have an adult to talk to and another driver. Just as we got home, the Yukon's transmission died. It wouldn't go into reverse!!
So the next decision is to figure out what to do with it.
    The whole vehicle thing got me thinking: why do we hold attachments to things? I know that for me, memories are easier to store if the object is in front of me. For instance, the Yukon represented my "new" life after I left Louisiana and the Air Force. It represented my new relationship with Karl. It took us on many road trips in the past four years. It was the vehicle that took me to my doctor appointments with both boys and it was the vehicle that brought both boys home from the hospital when they were born. It was a good vehicle and it took me awhile to realize that my memories aren't going to change because we get rid of it. So when I got to the point where I was "okay" with letting it go, I began to evaluate the other "things" in my life. Thus we begin the purge! No, not like that creepy movie about one night of inconsequential killing sprees but the process of getting rid of stuff that has no use or purpose in my life. I say "my" because I don't want to start a revolution by purging things that belong to my husband :). The boys are young enough that a toy and clothing pure wouldn't be traumatic (well, not for them at least. I may be a different story).
    Since we moved in with my in-laws shortly after Cooper was born in October, we have been attempting to follow the Dave Ramsey path to paying of debt. So far it's been a slow go but I think we are finally getting the hang of this whole budget thing. We plan on staying here for at least a year to get as much debt paid down as possible and in October 2014, we will re-evaluate our situation. It's been an adjustment for everyone but the fact that my in-laws graciously welcomed us to their home with two small kids and a truckload of stuff is nothing short of a blessing. Not many families nowadays are open to living in confined quarters with a rambunctious toddler! I have to take time throughout the day to remind myself why we are doing this and the frustrations we may feel are temporary. They may not feel temporary at times with a two-year old...but they are!
     So the point of this post is that besides purging our debt and our stuff, I believe purging our feelings and thoughts about certain situations are necessary for our sanity and our health. I've heard that the definition of contentment is being at peace no matter where you are in your life. So my search for contentment continues and I'll be unloading some junk (and debt) along the way!
      Happy Monday!!!
