Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26, 2014

    Well, we're on the move again! After the last few weeks of some questionable ethical behavior by Karl's boss, we have decided to head further south to California. I always thought I would never go back but this has been a year of "eating my words"! Yesterday marked 5 months since we moved in with my in-laws and although we will miss them, I'm sure they would like some peace and quiet back into their home. We are heading down to California next week to look around and see where we would like to settle (and where there is work). It will be nice to see my side of the family again after a few months ;) Seems about every three months or so I make my way down there.
    Cooper is now 5 months old and is mastering the "worm", which means he's scooting like an inch worm. The drool has doubled in the last month and Karl says he felt a little nub in his gum lines. Looks like some teeth may be poppin through! I can't help but feel a little excitement at the prospect of my boys growing up around their cousins. I know Donovan has told me a few times that he wants to live with his cousin Grace (Nicole's oldest daughter) and Grace returned the statement by telling my mom that Donovan can be her little brother! Looks like Cooper might be left out of that one! Donovan has been asking to go to Grace's house for a few weeks now, before we even knew we were moving. Looks like Donovan has chosen his 'favorite' cousin, although that may not be the case vice versa....he has a way of annoying her PRETTY quick! haha.
    So this is a short entry as my oldest is running around like a crazy kid and my youngest is so tired that he's screaming at the top of his lungs. I sure hope this this teething phase goes quickly! We ALL need some sleep!!!


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